Sean ministers a ‘now Word’ with a prophetic anointing and a ministry of impartation.

Sean was not raised in a Christian home. One day while in high school, as he drove by RHEMA Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, OK that was under construction, he heard a voice speak, “one day you will go to that school!” He shrugged it off at the time. A few years later, however, Sean got saved, answered the call to ministry, and sure enough, enrolled as a student at RHEMA.

Sean began his ministry as a worship leader, and then later an associate pastor and eventually a traveling minister. Back in the early 1990s, the Lord directed him to go on a 40-day fast and to prepare for revival. He didn’t even know what revival was at the time. But he was obedient. A few years later, on Father’s Day of 1995, God poured out His Spirit in Pensacola, Florida at what is commonly known as The Brownsville Revival lead by Pastor John Kilpatrick and Evangelist/Revivalist Steve Hill. The revival lasted five years and impacted millions. In 1997, Sean and Kathy moved to Pensacola to be a part of the revival and for Sean to attend the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry. 

Upon leaving Brownsville, Sean and Kathy ministered around the US and the UK, seeing God move in powerful ways, transforming lives and even churches. They eventually moved to Dallas/Fort Worth to team up with Revivalist/Evangelist Steve Hill to help plant a church. During that time, Sean served as Pastor of the Prayer Team and the Men’s Ministry and helped launch a Bible school that raised up ministers who are now preaching the Gospel around the globe. 

Sean served as a board member on Steve Hill’s evangelistic ministry and traveled with him. Also during that time, he launched a successful construction company, uniquely qualifying him to minister to those who have a marketplace ministry.

Sean preaches a clarion call message for the Church to return to her First Love and be His Glorious Church — a church that is holy, full of the Word and the Spirit, operating in our authority, moved with His compassion, and reaping that great end time harvest of souls.