Kathy is called and anointed by God as a healing evangelist.

She gave her life to Jesus as a child. Growing up, she always loved and lived for Jesus. Within days of graduating from High School, she flew to the Philippines for the summer on a mission trip before attending Taylor University in Upland, IN. However, the summer before her junior year when it was time to choose a major, she didn’t know what major to choose. Absolutely no course of study appealed to her. All she knew was that she had a deep hunger to know God.

So she left Taylor and enrolled in bible school, searching for HIM! Mind you, Kathy didn’t enroll in bible school to answer the call of God to ministry. Her plan was to take two years to pursue God and then pursue a career. But God had a different plan. Once in Bible School, the Lord spoke clearly to Kathy that she had a call upon her life for ministry. So she answered the call and never looked back. While at RHEMA, Sean and Kathy met and eventually married.

While attending RHEMA, Kathy worked at Oral Robert's City of Faith Hospital. Seeing people suffering in the hospital with sickness and disease, she was overcome with compassion. So she began to lay hands on the patients to pray for them, and many were healed. And this is where her healing ministry began. Also during this time, God began to use her in the Gifts of the Spirit in conjunction with personal evangelism and saw God transform many lives.

One of Kathy’s passions is to train and equip believers to become soul-winners who operate in the gifts of the Spirit to win the lost in every day life. Believers experience incredible joy and fulfillment as God begins to use them to impact their world for Christ.

Shortly after Kathy and Sean married, they moved to Texas to help plant a church and travel as itinerant ministers. Their lives were forever changed on Thanksgiving Day of 1997 when they walked into the doors of the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, FL, heard revivalist/evangelist Steve Hill preach and experienced genuine REVIVAL!

Sean and Kathy moved to Pensacola, where immersed themselves in the fires of revival where their lives and ministry were changed. After ministering in churches in the US and the UK for several years, Sean and Kathy moved to Dallas/Fort Worth in 2003 to help Steve and Jeri Hill launch a church. Kathy initially served as director of publications for the church. A few years later, she stepped into the role as Director of Operations for Steve Hill Ministries. After Steve Hill graduated to heaven, she went on staff with GOD TV for several years before joining with Sean full time to run their business and to launch into the new phase of ministry that God has for them.

Kathy has written for Charisma’s SpiritLed Women and GOD TV, and has published books for several ministers. Her simple, down-to-earth message is sure to inspire and challenge you to step out and let God use you in ways you never dreamed possible.